Complete Shri Hanuman Chalisa in Hindi and Meaning

।। दोहा।।
श्री गुरु चरण सरोज रज, निज मनु मुकुर सुधारि।
बरनउं रघुबर बिमल जसु, जो दायकु फल चारि॥

बुद्धिहीन तनु जानिके, सुमिरौं पवन कुमार।
बल बुद्धि विद्या देहु मोहि, हरहु कलेश बिकार॥

जय हनुमान ज्ञान गुन सागर। जय कपीस तिहुं लोक उजागर।।
राम दूत अतुलित बल धामा। अंजनि-पुत्र पवनसुत नामा।।

महाबीर बिक्रम बजरंगी। कुमति निवार सुमति के संगी।।
कंचन बरन बिराज सुबेसा। कानन कुण्डल कुँचित केसा।।

हाथ बज्र औ ध्वजा बिराजे। कांधे मूंज जनेउ साजे।।
शंकर सुवन केसरी नंदन। तेज प्रताप महा जग वंदन।।

बिद्यावान गुनी अति चातुर। राम काज करिबे को आतुर।।
प्रभु चरित्र सुनिबे को रसिया। राम लखन सीता मन बसिया।।

सूक्ष्म रूप धरि सियहिं दिखावा। बिकट रूप धरि लंक जरावा।।
भीम रूप धरि असुर संहारे। रामचन्द्र के काज संवारे।।

लाय सजीवन लखन जियाये। श्री रघुबीर हरषि उर लाये।।
रघुपति कीन्ही बहुत बड़ाई। तुम मम प्रिय भरतहि सम भाई।।

सहस बदन तुम्हरो जस गावैं। अस कहि श्रीपति कण्ठ लगावैं।।
सनकादिक ब्रह्मादि मुनीसा। नारद सारद सहित अहीसा।।

जम कुबेर दिगपाल जहां ते। कबि कोबिद कहि सके कहां ते।।
तुम उपकार सुग्रीवहिं कीन्हा। राम मिलाय राज पद दीन्हा।।

तुम्हरो मंत्र बिभीषन माना। लंकेश्वर भए सब जग जाना।।
जुग सहस्र जोजन पर भानु। लील्यो ताहि मधुर फल जानू।।

प्रभु मुद्रिका मेलि मुख माहीं। जलधि लांघि गये अचरज नाहीं।।
दुर्गम काज जगत के जेते। सुगम अनुग्रह तुम्हरे तेते।।

राम दुआरे तुम रखवारे। होत न आज्ञा बिनु पैसारे।।
सब सुख लहै तुम्हारी सरना। तुम रच्छक काहू को डर ना।।

आपन तेज सम्हारो आपै। तीनों लोक हांक तें कांपै।।
भूत पिसाच निकट नहिं आवै। महाबीर जब नाम सुनावै।।

नासै रोग हरे सब पीरा। जपत निरन्तर हनुमत बीरा।।
संकट तें हनुमान छुड़ावै। मन क्रम बचन ध्यान जो लावै।।

सब पर राम तपस्वी राजा। तिन के काज सकल तुम साजा।।
और मनोरथ जो कोई लावै। सोई अमित जीवन फल पावै।।

चारों जुग परताप तुम्हारा। है परसिद्ध जगत उजियारा।।
साधु संत के तुम रखवारे।। असुर निकन्दन राम दुलारे।।

अष्टसिद्धि नौ निधि के दाता। अस बर दीन जानकी माता।।
राम रसायन तुम्हरे पासा। सदा रहो रघुपति के दासा।।

तुह्मरे भजन राम को पावै। जनम जनम के दुख बिसरावै।।
अंत काल रघुबर पुर जाई। जहां जन्म हरिभक्त कहाई।।

और देवता चित्त न धरई। हनुमत सेइ सर्ब सुख करई।।
सङ्कट कटै मिटै सब पीरा। जो सुमिरै हनुमत बलबीरा।।

जय जय जय हनुमान गोसाईं। कृपा करहु गुरुदेव की नाईं।।
जो सत बार पाठ कर कोई। छूटहि बन्दि महा सुख होई।।

जो यह पढ़ै हनुमान चालीसा। होय सिद्धि साखी गौरीसा।।
तुलसीदास सदा हरि चेरा। कीजै नाथ हृदय महं डेरा।।

पवनतनय संकट हरन, मंगल मूरति रूप।
राम लखन सीता सहित, हृदय बसहु सुर भूप।।

जय श्रीराम

Real Classroom vs Virtual Classroom

“India will be under complete lockdown for 21 days”, Modi ji said. The announcement made by Prime Minister at the outbreak of pandemic Covid-19, though imperative, impede the speed of fast emerging India. Exponentially increasing virus, not only swayed the economic sector but, badly affected academia all over the world.

Educationists straightened their back to bring the schools to home. Tsunami of virtual classes created the clamour in academe. Online platforms like Google meet; Zoom & Skype started earning profits with the blessing of Corona and rejoiced the needs of politicians.

Online classes are not new-fangled notion. Radio and TV have been the source of imparting education but the role of internet in this chain certainly cannot be avoided. Internet found to be seen as the life supporter in this period of lockdown especially in the field of education to ensure continued learning of students.

Virtual classes emerged as an alternative of real classroom situation to control the disruption caused by pandemic that was taking tumultuous form. But, can it be really seen as an alternative of real classroom in developing country like India?

As per the report of National Sample Survey Office, only 42% urban and 15% rural population have access to internet. More on that, only 35% urban and 11% rural folk use internet not more than one month. Hence, the thought of transmitting maximum information to maximum number of students is worth contemplating.

Schools are not mere institutions rather a scaffold providing stairs to poor students and help them acquire their dreams by making them recognize their potentials. Now, since they have no or limited access to internet, virtual class appear more like an agony to them.

Parents send children to school for their holistic development. They learn discipline, caring, sharing, democracy, secularism all at one place but this interval of online education have unexpectedly turned them into a well frog though virtually brought them science museum botanical garden etc. but certainly cannot replace their viewing things at first-hand experience.

It is arduous to concentrate on small screen of laptop or mobile phones when a student cannot continuously focus on a bigger class board. I had commonly heard complaints of headache and vision related problems due to the optimum use of mobile phones because they could not go to school , so schools were brought home in small screen that not only benefitted internet companies but opened up the room for private institutions to extract their tuition fees.

All institutions and agencies geared up to supply e-learning material for continued learning of students as this was the only option in this catastrophic period but reflected minimal on the preparation of text books and teachers who were not accustomed to this. Even the objectives were not made clear.

However, we should not forget that every coin has two aspects so is the case of e-learning and real classroom. Students can never reverse or forward the chapter in face-to-face interaction but, able to do so in the recorded one for his/her better comprehension. Moreover, he can review this at his suitable time.

Some subjects like Mathematics and Science, history, geography etc. are better taught online with better audio visual effects. Pupils are free to ask their queries without the feeling of peer pressure and competition. Students can conveniently check out many videos in respect of science, history and subjects like that.

Still, it would be too early to see e-learning the future of academia but, certainly can be viewed the panacea in the pandemic crisis.

What is New Education Policy in India

Why do we need education?

Education is a fundamental requirement for every person to develop their social, economic and political values. Quality education provides universal access and leadership on a global platform in terms of economic development, social justice and equality, scientific progress, national integration and cultural protection. Providing high quality education to the majority is the best way to develop and maximize the rich talents and resources of our country, which is inseparable from the good of society and the world. The Union Cabinet has approved the new National Education Policy (NEP), 2020, aimed at bringing many changes in the Indian education system from school to college level. The Cabinet has also approved the renaming of the Ministry of Human Resource Development to the Ministry of Education.

New education policy and its structure?

It is necessary to have a systematic method to providing an education to a large population and this method comes from implementing policies. Best Policies are the best way to formulate whole structure of the education from primary to higher to professional knowledge. Now, government introduces the new educational policy in 2020 with the new and beneficial changes for betterment of our better future. With ecosystem and employment changes it is becoming important that children not only learn but also know how to learn. Cram is not called education, rather it should be understood and introduced in your life and it will also improve your lifestyle. Education should be constructive, character building, rational and at the same time prepare them for gainful, fulfilling employment. This policy states that the existing 10 + 2 structure in schooling will be modified with a new reorganization of 5 + 3 + 3 + 4, covering ages 3–18 as shown in the representative figure is.

Main Highlights in NEP, 2020 at school level and higher level

Let’s have a look at the school level

  • Universal provision of quality of childhood development, care and education should thus be obtained as soon as possible by 2030 to ensure that all students entering grade 1 are ready for school.
  • Bringing 2 crore school children back to the mainstream through an open schooling system.
  • The current 10 + 2 system is to be replaced by a new 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 curriculum structure.
  • In Which 5 years devoted to foundation stage consists 3 years for pre-school or Anganwadi an 2 years for Ist and 2nd class. The purpose behind the 5-year foundation period is to strengthen the children’s base and creativity.
  •  The Preparatory Stage (Class 3-5, covering ages 8-11), The preparatory phase will include the creation, discovery and activity of three years of learning in the foundation phase and will begin with some formal yet interactive classroom learning aspects, along with some light text books, laying a solid groundwork across all subjects including reading, writing, speaking, physical education, art, language, science and mathematics.
  • The middle phase will include three years of education that will encourage experimental learning within each subject, and will emphasize the exploration of relationships between different disciplines and the introduction of more specialized disciplines, and will also include an Preparatory stage.
  • The secondary phase will include four years of multidisciplinary studies that are subject-oriented, but with greater depth, more critical thinking, more focus on life aspirations and more flexibility of subjects and student choice.
  • This will bring the unplanned age group of 3-6 years under the school curriculum, which has been globally recognized as a critical stage for the development of a child’s mental faculties.
  • All students are allowed to take the exam twice to make the board exams of class 10 and 12 easy.
  • School administration is set to change, with a new accreditation framework and an independent authority to regulate both public and private schools.
  • By class 5, teaching should be at least in the mother tongue or regional language. No languages ​​will be imposed on any student.

At the school level

  • Gross enrolment ratio in higher education will be increased to 50% by 2035. In addition, 3.5 crore seats will be added to higher education. The current Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in higher education is 26.3%.
  • The overall undergraduate education with a flexible curriculum can be 3 or 4 years with multiple exit options and appropriate certification within this period.
  • M.Phil courses will be discontinued and all courses at undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD level will now be interdisciplinary.
  • The National Research Foundation will be created as an apex body to promote a strong research culture and build research capacity for higher education.
  • To establish Multidisciplinary Education and Research University (MERU), IIT, IIM, as the best multi-disciplinary education model of global standards in the country.
  • The Higher Education Commission of India (HECI) will be set up as a single umbrella body for the entire higher education except medical and legal education. Public and private higher education institutions will be governed by the same set of criteria for regulation, accreditation and educational standards. In addition, HECI will have four independent verticals namely National Higher Education Regulatory Council (NHERC) for regulation, General Education Council (GEC) for standard setting, Higher Education Grants Council (HEGC) for funding, National Accreditation Council (NAC) for accreditation.
  • The affiliation of colleges is to be phased out over 15 years and a phase-wise mechanism is to be established to provide graded autonomy to colleges.

Other amendments

  • The National Educational Technology Forum (NETF), an autonomous body, will be provided with a platform for the free exchange of ideas for the use of technology and higher education for assessment, planning and administration of learning.
  • The new National Evaluation Centre, PARAKH which can assist with evaluation processes as well as data analysis. Students from government and private schools will be included in the assessment.
  • Until the establishment of the proposed new National Assessment Centre, PARAKH, NCERT may continue to carry out NAS.
  • It aims to bring public investment in the education sector to 6% of GDP at the earliest.

Other Key areas of focus

  • Professional Education
  • Adult Education and Life Long Learning
  • Promotion of Indian Languages, Arts and Culture
  • Technology Use and Integration
  • Providing online and digital education to ensure equal use of technology.

Aim of the National Educational Policy 2020

The aim of NEP 2020 is to make “India a global knowledge superpower“. This National Education Policy 2020 is the first education policy of the 21st century and it aims to address many of the growing developmental imperatives of our country. The purpose of education in ancient India was not just the preparation for life in this world, or the acquisition of knowledge in the form of life beyond schooling, but for the complete attainment and liberation of oneself. Currently, children in the age group of 3-6 are not included in the 10 + 2 structure because class 1 starts at age 6. The new 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 structure also includes a strong base of early childhood care and education (ECCE from the age of 3), which aims to promote better overall education, development and well-being.

A New Education Policy aims to facilitate an inclusive, participatory and holistic approach which takes into consideration field experiences, empirical research, stakeholder feedback as well as lessons learned from best practices. This is a progressive change towards a more scientific approach towards education. The set structure will help to fulfill the child’s potential stages of cognitive development as well as social and physical awareness. If implemented in its true terms, the new structure could bring India on par with the world’s leading countries.

What is keyword research and Why is it important?

What is Keyword?

It simply means the term that people generally type on search engines to satisfy their query is called a keyword.  Keywords play an important role in improving and elevating the ranking of our website. It would not be wrong if I say that there can be no SEO without focus keyword or key phrase.

To rank your page or post, you must first do research on keywords that better describe your content. So, if people search for that term on Google or any search engine, they simply find that post or page on your website.

Suppose, if your website is related to digital marketing course, then your keyword should be digital marketing course in Delhi, digital marketing module, SEO, social media optimization etc.

Why are keywords important?

Keyword is the most important part in SEO; we cannot start any content writing without researching the right word. Google considers the content of the page or post before ranking. Your content should be around the words and phrases people often search for. This helps your website to rank higher.

With the keyword you can target your audience, country, demographic etc.

For instance,

  • Best digital marketing course in India,
  • Facial cream for women,
  • Best bicycle for sports person.

How do you use keywords in your pages or posts?

If I say that keywords are the most important thing for SEO, it doesn’t mean that you use keywords repeatedly in content. Some tips you should adopt for SEO friendly articles:

  • Content density should be 1-2% of length of the words. Like, if a webpage has a 200-word paragraph, it should not contain more than one keyword;
  • Using keywords in the title of the page;
  • Using the keyword in the meta description;
  • Target the keyword with the image’ alt text;
  • Using the keyword in the URL

These points help you in ranking your page or website.

There are many free and paid tools to research best keyword such as:

Char Dham Pariyojana

The yatra is an important part of the Hindu ritual and many annual trips to India are specifically planned by the government to organize their traffic, food, lodging and other security measures along with it. By the way, there are many pilgrimage sites in India which have their own glory and recognition such as 51 Shakti Peeth, Amarnath Yatra, Vaishno Devi Yatra and others, but the Char Dham Sthals (Badrinath, Kedarnath, Yamunotri and Gangotri) hold a special importance, which our government is going to start a new project that name is “Char Dham Pariyojna” which will make the journey easier with both road and rail connectivity.

Char Dham Pariyojna

The Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways inaugurated the success of the Chamba tunnel under the Chardham project. The implementing agencies are Uttarakhand State Public Works Department (PWD), BRO and National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL).

The 889-km-wide road project worth Rs 12,000 crore connects four pilgrims – Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri and Yamunotri was laid by Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi on 27 December 2016 at Parade Ground in Dehradun.

The Border Roads Organization (BRO) has completed construction of a 440 meter long tunnel under the city of Chamba on the Rishikesh-Dharasu road highway (National Highway – 94). The road will include several long bridges and tunnels to eliminate accidents and prone areas.

The Char Dham highway network originating from Rishikesh will have four separate routes, west to East and South to North:

Rishikesh to Yamunotri:

To go from Rishikesh to Yamunotri, you have to go through Dharasu. The distance from Rishikesh to Dharasu is 144 km and the distance from Dharasu to Yamunotri is 95 km. NH 94 is the national highway connecting Rishikesh to Yamunotri.

Rishikesh to Gangotri:

As before, you first have to go from Rishikesh to Dhrasu which is 144 km by NH 94 from Rishikesh, followed by Dhrasu to Gangotri 124 Km by NH 108. The railway and Char Dham road highway at Gangotri is close to the large disputed Indo-China border area of ​​the Nelang Valley which is currently under operational control of India.

Rishikesh to Kedarnath:

From Rishikesh to Rudraprayag is 140 km by NH58 and Rudraprayag to Gaurikund is 76 km by NH 109. The highway only goes upto Gaurikund. To reach Kedarnath pilgrims have to travel 12.6 km by foot or by helicopter.

Rishikesh to Badrinath:

To reach Badrinath, first you have to go to Rudraprayag which is 140 Km by NH 58 from Rishikesh then 140 km from Rudraprayag to mana with the same highway.

The project will have bypass, bridges, pit closures, parking, helipad and helicopter emergency response services along the way.

What are Top 7 Digital Marketing modules

Now, we are all connected through the digital world, everyone has a smart phone. During Covid-19, we have all become Habitual, whether official or personal.  Where Employment is increasing all over the world, today it is the only area where vacancy is escalating. The demand for digital marketing is increasing, so it is very good opportunity to know more about it, to learn it so that you can make a career in it. The most important thing of digital marketing is that there is no age limit; there is no requirement of special qualification degree. You can start anywhere, at any time with a laptop or desktop, website and internet connection.

What is digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a very big and interesting subject to learn. It has lots of tools and modules, but here we are going to discuss about top 5 digital marketing modules, without them you cannot be a good digital marketer.

Before we will see modules, first we should know about keyword.

What is Keyword?

A keyword is a word or sentence that most people often search on search engines. We should target the keywords that people search for most. It can be short tail keywords or long tail keywords. Before writing an article we should research on keywords that make our article SEO friendly. Now it’s a brief about keyword.

Some of the important Digital Marketing modules are:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Social Media Optimization (SMO)
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • Email Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Online Reputation Management (ORM)

To become an expert in digital marketing, you should follow these modules. You can become an expert one of the skills mentioned above, only when you apply the concept successfully. Not only gain knowledge, but you need to constantly learn and apply.

Let’s take the digital marketing modules further in details:

Search Engine Optimization:

Search engine optimization, commonly known as SEO, is the most demanding and most difficult skill to learn and become an expert. Without knowing about SEO, you can never become a digital marketer. It has two types “SEO Off” page and “SEO On” page.  In SEO On page, you have to optimize your website with using the best keyword. In SEO Off page, you should create backlinks on different types of submission at High DA and PR website.

If your website is SEO friendly then it can be quickly rank on the top pages on search engine. It will increase organic traffic on your website. It can lead your career in digital marketing and make your CV more impressive and strong to get job with higher package.

Search Engine Marketing:

The only difference between SEO and SEM is paid advertising. If you want to get quick result and traffic then go for SEM. You can use Google adwards; get paid backlinks, PPC advertising, Bing ads and etc.

If you have chosen to use this strategy, you will be learning to create ad campaigns, write advertisements, measure and optimize ads, you will master Search Engine Marketing. Before creating a campaign you will be focusing on research or target the best keyword for advertisements, it will not be very expensive.

Social Media Optimization:

Search Media optimization refers to optimize your social media account such as facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest etc. you should aware your targeted audience about your products and services.

To take advantage of social media to drive interactions with your targeted audience, you need to set the right time to post on social media and design social media posts that get more likes and shares.

Social Media Marketing:

Social media marketing is a platform where we start our own campaign with paid advertisements. In this module, we can determine our budget, target audience and location. You can get better results after paying a small amount.

Email Marketing

As the name indicates, marketing through Email. Email marketing is a very common and everyone would be aware about it. You can see your inbox with full of advertisement of amazon, flipkart, Unacademy and so on. So, Email Marketing is the best platform to aware and educated about our product and services to our targeted audience.

In email marketing, you should create an impressive and attractive template that mesmerises the audience and stops to see the content. Collect your audience’ email IDs and mail them with tools like mailchimp, benchmark etc. with the use of these tools you can do multiple email at a time.

Content Marketing:

Content marketing is not just writing a blog or article and publishing it online. It is the process of delivering high quality and SEO friendly content to a target audience. People are eager to discover this type of communication where they find solutions regarding their questions. This type of marketing has two benefits, first it generates more traffic towards the website and the audience gets answers to their queries.

Online Reputation Management:

Online Reputation Management is a tool to manage your profile and status online. Whenever you search any product to purchase on Google or any search engine, first you check its specifications, prices and the most important its rating and reviews. If the reviews are highly recommended we will go for that product.

In this module, we receive feedback from our valued customers, offering our products and services with complete specification. You can use channels like phone calls, social media, Google and email to get feedback.

Digital marketing consists of many modules but these are the most important modules to learn and build your career in digital marketing. You can take any one instrument and become an expert.

All about Digital Marketing

Career in Digital Marketing

With the increasing use of the Internet, there is no better time to start a career in the field of digital marketing. In the coming times, along with the demand of jobs, the demand for internet has also increased, so digital marketing is the best option to start your career. Its demand has increased during the coronavirus period. So, Lets first know what digital marketing is:

What is Digital Marketing?

The Internet is a website that represents our own business organization to reach $ 39billion people worldwide. Digital marketing is something that makes it easy for your customers as well as your business to get more traffic and also make customers loyal. So, the proper definition of digital market is the means through which you can promote your product and services online. It is also known as advertising which is delivered through digital channels such as search engine websites, social media, E-mail and mobile applications. Digital marketing requires a few channels through which you can rank and popularize your business online, it is called SEO stands for search engine optimization, pay-per-click or PPC and many more. Therefore, after having mastered working with these channels you will be able to do a good digital marketing; this is a brief introduction to digital marketing.

Become a Successful Digital Marketer

To be a successful digital marketer, the first and foremost skill you must possess is that you must be good with digital marketing channels like SEO, which is a search engine optimization, email marketing, social media marketing and many other channels. So you should be very familiar with these channels and at the same time you should be good in data analytics.

  • Data analytics refers to techniques for analyzing data and increasing productivity to achieve business benefits, so it should also be a known a good skill. You should have some knowledge of Word Press, for example if you are writing a blog, then you need to know which platform you have to go to and how you should keep your points.
  • Word Press plays a major role if you want to write a blog of your own. So this will also help your organization if the company is dealing with content marketing or social media marketing next up you need to be good with Google Analytics.
  • Google Analytics is a tool that helps in analysing the insights of your website. It plays a major role in shaping the business for you and gives you a fair idea of ​​how many people are landing on your website. The traffic that is generated through a particular medium can be a blog, a video or some other factor, so it will analyse aspects of your website and it will keep an eye on the part where you will also see where you Losing traffic to your website, this particular tool plays a major role in shaping your career in the field of digital marketing.
  • Now the next one is basic design skills, so using design skills to design a website of your own requires you to process some design skills that will ultimately help your organization, so these are the top skills that will help you to become a successful digital marketer.

I think, you are clear with these skills that are required so these are not just the only skills that you should master. There are so many other skills in the market right now but these are the Evergreen skills that one should master to build a career in the field of digital marketing and so these are a few notable skills that you should possess to become a successful digital marketer.

Job role and the scope in the field of digital marketing

If you want to know about the Job Role and the scope in the field of Digital Marketing, it plays a significant role when you want to pursue a career in a specific subject. Digital marketing is an area where you can get an evergreen job role, what is the scope for a job in this field, is it easy to get a job or do you need some special skills to get a job. Let’s have a look first at the roles and responsibilities of a digital marketer:

  • The first responsibility as a digital marketer is to be able to create a marketing campaign on your own and it is for your organization. You should also be well versed with creating a marketing campaign of your own so that it can generate leads.
  • The next is to formulate a strategy to build a long-lasting digital connection with your customers that helps you to connect with the customer and you have an organization that deals with customer interaction.
  • Social media platforms is one such way through which you can reach your customers in just a second so planning and monitoring the way you can handle things on social media. It is very important you need to plan accordingly to get more leads from the social media platforms always be actively involved in SEO.
  • For SEO (search engine optimization), you must be actively involved in writing blogs and creating good and unique content with the use of best keywords. This is the most important part to get ranking in Google which helps both the customers as well as the business. Analysing your website’s insights is the main agenda for digital marketing using Google Analytics.

I have already mentioned that this is one of the skills that are required and also the responsibility of a digital marketer. It helps to maintain a good relationship with the customer, so this is what people are hired for and that is why you need to be more open to your customers and keep up with the latest technology trends. There is also the ability to be more creative and up-to-date so digital marketing is a growing platform. Technology changes also affect digital marketing platforms, so you need to stay updated with the latest trends in the market. Currently the digital marketing job field is highly results-driven and enhances your knowledge and creative skills.

There are many digital marketing job roles, but I have looked at some of them that will definitely help you.

  1. One of the first lists I have as a digital marketing executive. It is your responsibility to look at online marketing strategies for businesses. You need to be able to plan and execute marketing campaigns and supply content for the website. So this is the responsibility or role of digital marketing executive in a company.
  2. The second is as Digital Marketing Manager. The primary role of a digital marketing manager is to brand your product in the digital space. You are to implement and manage marketing campaigns that promote your own company’s products and services. Digital Marketing Manager is the key to the success of your organization.
  3. The third is as an SEO executive. The primary role of an SEO executive or expert is to rank a website page on the search engine result page and also that they are the major factors that influence the traffic in your website. The SEO field is thriving and the SEO executive job role is always in demand, so you can start applying your resume right now.
  4. Next is a social media marketing expert. Social media marketing specialists are responsible for combining marketing and social media management to expand the company’s social media presence interaction with a target audience, expanding opportunities to promote brands, add content and increase revenue. The ultimatum is to generate revenue for your organization and create better content for your people or customers, so it is the role of a social media marketing expert.
  5. The next job role is SEM. It is basically stands for Search Engine Marketing. A person who is dedicated to search engine marketing is called an expert. This person primarily helps to target the release and clicks of a given marketing budget, marketing bid, keyword research analysis, and the best advertising campaign.
  6. The next is content marketing manager. Content marketing manager is responsible for creating valuable content and has the desired skills to market it managing blogs, video marketing, campaigns, eBook publications, guest blogging, email communication and so many other tasks are taken care by the content marketing manager.

 These were few notable job roles under the digital marketing umbrella.

You do not need to get any degree and age limit to start your career in digital marketing and there will be scope in many years to come and people have become accustomed to using internet and also increasing the demand for internet in official works. Therefore, you may start your career in digital marketing.

Believe in Yourself

I am going to tell you an inspired story, it relates to a successful businessman about his struggle and then how he becomes successful. Now, he owns a large emperor. Let’s start:

He was born in a small village in Japan. His family was poor; they all lived in a small house and have very little money. When he was only 9 years old, he left school and started walking in a small shop to support his family. He used to get up every day before sunrise and started his day with clean the store, run errands and also look after the children for his employer.

Some Years later, destiny showed him a new path and he got a job in an electricity company. There he got interested in light bulbs and sockets. In night, he started learning and experimenting on his own. One day, he made an improved version in light socket all by himself. He got very excited and showed it to his boss but his boss was not impressed and said such a product will never work.

Even though he was rejected, He believed in his idea. He wanted to do something, on his own and start his own company. He asked his friends, they told him that he could not do it. He cannot quit his job and start his own company. He has no experience, very little money and hardly well educated. Still he believed in yourself, so he took a big decision when he turned 22.

He quit his permanent job and started his own small manufacturing company. He and his wife started making sockets in their small house. They both went to door to door selling it but no shop owner was interested, they did not get any orders. Months passed by and still they were not able to sell their product. He sold his furniture and borrowed money to survive a little longer.

Many days he thought ‘I will give up and go back to my job’. But in the morning as the sun rose, he was out on the streets looking for orders surviving for one more day. Then came a time, he was almost bankrupt and just when he was closest to giving up his dream. When a miracle happened in his life, he received a major order of 1000 pieces from anywhere.

Now, 100 years after that first major order of 1000 pieces, his company, now has over 250000 employees with annual sales of more than $65 billion. His company products are now sold across the world. All this was possible by a man with no education and no money. All he had was a belief in himself. His name is ‘Konosuke Matsushita’.  The company he started in his small house is now known as ‘Panasonic’ worldwide.

“Success is about your self-confidence and will power, it does not depend on how educated you are or how much money you have.”

So, if you too are in pursuit of success, just have self confidence in yourself, when nothing is left, when you are also desperate, just wait for a miracle that will change your life forever because this miracle is the result of your will power.

It is never too late

A long time ago there was a man in the United States, brought up in an ordinary middle-class family. His father was a loving family man and worked in his farm. When he was 5 years old, on a summer afternoon his father came home with a fever. He saw his father in pain, but could not understand what was going on. That day doctor was called twice, he could see from far his mother crying. He got scared, that was the first time he saw his mother cry. Later that day his father died. He was too young to realize what has happened, but will always remember that summer afternoon, all his life. After his father’s death, his mother started stitching clothes of other people and also got a job in a factory. At seven, he learned how to cook, to feed his younger siblings, as his mom was away working.

One day he baked his first bread, he wanted to show this to his mother, but she was working in a factory three miles away. He grabbed the bread and took his five year old brother and sister along with him. Three of them walked three miles across the field, so he could show his mother his first loaf of bread. When they reached factory, he started searching for his mother, his mother saw him so far, carrying a loaf of bread in his hand and having a huge smile on his face. She came, held the bread in her hand and gave him a big hug.

At age 10, he began work as a helper in the farmland and then took up job painting horse carriages. He left school after sixth grade, so he could work full-time. Life moved on job after job, he sometimes worked as a conductor, then joined the United States Army for a while, then cleaned trains and even worked as a helper in railway construction. May be he was never satisfied, maybe he was still searching.

He was 18, when he met a beautiful girl they fell in love, soon got married and had three beautiful children, but one day he got fired from his job. Once he reached home his wife was gone, there was a note from his wife’s brother saying “she had no business marrying a no-good fellow like you.” He then convinced her to come back. Later, studied and practiced law for some years and after that even became an insurance salesman, all this while moving from one career to another. At age of 30, he established a ferry boat company; the ferry was an instant success. He sold the shares of the company and started a new one, wanting to do something bigger.

He establishes a company manufacturing oil lamps, hired sales people across the country. The business initially started well, with some new orders coming in every day. He felt yes finally I have made it, but destiny had some other plans. A company named Delco introduced electric lamps and the venture failed. Then he started working as a salesman in Michelin tires, but their too, lost his job when the manufacturing plant was shut down. He again started looking for some work and travelled to different cities, to find it.

While coming back, with no money in his pocket, he was looking for a lift to get back home. A man stopped and picked him up in his big car. He shared with the stranger his story, how he is looking for some work. That stranger turned out to be the state manager of Standard Oil. The manager asked him “would you wish to run a service station?” He had no experience of what it takes to run a service station but he said yes. For six years, he managed the place successfully, he sold more fuel than anywhere in the state, but then the Great Depression came, his station closed down like many other businesses at that time.